Revealed: 40% of Brits Would Make False Insurance Claim – If They Could Blag It

They say the only real crime in Britain today is being caught – well, most politicians generally live by that philosophy. But a new piece of  research suggests that many of us WOULD try to submit a fake insurance claim, if we thought that we could get away with it.

A survey of over 500 people who have either used or considered using legal services has revealed that consumers have varying attitudes towards compensation claims. While the majority of respondents believe there should be a good and valid reason for making a claim, such as serious injury caused by a someone else (58%) or an incident that wasn’t the claimant’s fault (24%), 41% of respondents admitted that they would be likely to make a false claim for financial gain if they thought they could get away with it.

The research, conducted by market research company Sapio on behalf of digital marketing and customer acquisition specialist for the legal sector, mmadigital, also identified some key concerns over pursuing a legal case. Cost and lack of success topped the list of fears with 57% and 35% respectively, while a lack of understanding of legal jargon, the time required, and intimidation or pressure from lawyers were also off-putting factors.

When it comes to costs, 51% of respondents said they would be likely to pursue a legal claim even if there was a risk they’d have to pay damages and court costs if they didn’t win. However, this increases by 22% for cases on a no-win, no-fee basis, with almost three quarters saying they’d be likely to pursue a legal claim in this instance.

When questioned about the places they’d initially seek advice before deciding whether or not to pursue a claim, 18% said they would turn to Citizens Advice or a law firm they already know, demonstrating the importance of a good reputation in the UK’s busy legal claims market. Claims specialists were the third most popular source of advice (15%) coming just ahead of a search on Google (14%) and a friend or family member (13%).

mmadigital CEO, Dez Derry, commented, “The research highlights interesting findings on what consumers think about the claims market. While it may not be surprising that consumers are generally more willing to pursue a case when their personal finances aren’t on the line, the associated costs associated with legal representation generally still appear to be a barrier for many.

The no-win, no-fee model can help genuine claimants get their case heard without fear of losing out financially, but firms also need to be aware that this may offer security for false claims. To minimise this risk, legal professionals in the injury claims sector  need to be dealing with pre-qualified and vetted leads so their valuable time is spent only on pursuing genuine and legitimate claims.”

About alastair walker 13540 Articles
20 years experience as a journalist and magazine editor. I'm your contact for press releases, events, news and commercial opportunities at Insurance-Edge.Net

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