Gardens of Delight? Not When Cows Trample Your Flower Beds

Some topical claims data from Aviva for you;

With spring well underway and British gardens in full bloom, Aviva is urging people to protect their precious gardens and plants, after its internal claims data revealed numerous garden plant claims over the last five years, with the average cost incurred amounting to thousands of pounds.

According to the data, ‘impact’ was the most common plant-related insurance claim, accounting for a whopping 50% of claims, with the majority of damage resulting from out-of-control vehicles crashing into customer’s gardens, destroying hedgerows, flowers, and expensive plants like olive trees. However, in a very unusual incident, a customer had their fence and garden trampled by a herd of cows, with some of the cattle proceeding to snack on their pot plants once in the garden.

Just over a third (35%) of plant-related claims were due to out-of-control fires, with some customers experiencing significant damage to their gardens after large fires started in theirs or neighbouring properties.

Multiple customers claimed for plants in greenhouses that had set alight, with damage also extending to scorched lawns, and expensive exotic plants. In some cases, the gardens had just been freshly landscaped.

Sadly, some Aviva customers were victims of criminal activity, with theft accounting for 1 in 10 (10%) of garden plant-related claims. Claims included customers having large potted plants stolen from front and back gardens, with thieves even cutting shed bolts to steal expensive plants such as palms. Some customers had multiple plants stolen from their garden, with one claimant having around fifty plants stolen while they were away from the property.

Finally, malicious damage to plants and gardens made up 6% of claims, making it Aviva’s fourth most common plant-related claim.  In some cases, vandals caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to trees, plants, and gardens.

About alastair walker 13879 Articles
20 years experience as a journalist and magazine editor. I'm your contact for press releases, events, news and commercial opportunities at Insurance-Edge.Net

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